Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Autumn Harvest

I took a day off of work to replace the rear brake on my Saturn Vue.  It is almost time to put the Dualie to sleep for another winter and start to drive Ned again.

The dualie is too expensive to subject it to the harsh winters here in Ottawa.  And when $50 dollars get you a 1/4 tank I won't be too sad to put her to sleep.  I need to pull the trailer in the summer but in the winter it is Ned.

And yes I named the Saturn Ned.  It just seemed appropriate.

That being said I finished the brake job sooner than I anticipated (despite the rear brakes being seized after sitting for six months, ... I'll never do that again), so I decided to go to the local farm just down the road and pick up the vegetables for a really good pot of chili.

As a tip of the hat to a fellow photographer (who just happens to be a best friend), ... I thought I would try my hand at some food photos as I cooked.

I'll start with fresh Ontario grown green, red, yellow and orange peppers.

Nikon D700, Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar T* 2/100, 1/2.5 sec @ f8, ISO 200

Then add some fresh Ontario grown tomatoes.  I can't handle hot house unless it is the middle of winter.  They taste like plastic.

Nikon D700, Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar T* 2/100, 1/1.3 sec @ f8, ISO 200

Four cups of white field onions, ...like they don't grow in fields.

Nikon D700, Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar T* 2/100, 1/1.3 sec @ f22, ISO 200

Then finally the spice mixture.

Nikon D700, Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar T* 2/100, 1/1.3 sec @ f8, ISO 200

Support you local farmer.  Farmers feed cities.

This November the estimated world population will be 7 billion according to National Geographic.


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