Sunday, November 13, 2011

They Are Here

What I didn't tell you in the previous photo as I was watching "them", ... "they" were watching me.

It sounds like a really good conspiracy theory.  Mirrors in the centre of an office building complex, ... what better place to disguise really cool cameras, thermal sensors and IR imaging units, ... either that or I am a vampire with no reflection in the mirror.  How cool would that be?

Oops, ... looks like the reflection is from the top of the building in this shot, ... I still could be flying and  invisible, ... if I was a vampire.  But then I wouldn't be standing on the ground where I was taking the photo.

So much for the vampire theory ... besides my last photo had a reflection of me in the mirror.

Actually, I assume this is a way to direct sunlight into the offices on the dark side of the building.

Ooh, ... the dark side, ... sound likes another conspiracy theory is in the making. ;0 )

Nikon D700, AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm, 1/500 sec at f/8, ISO 640

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